
“Welcome to Ladies Studying Jesus! We are a group of friends gathering each week, September through May, to look deeply at the life of Christ. My name is Scarlette Steuerwald and I have had the privilege of leading this study for over 14 years! Please join us, we would love to have you feel a part of our study and learn more about our wonderful, gentle Savior.”
Scarlette Steuerwald
Ladies Bible Teacher
Bulletin Board
Welcome AOE Online Students and Moms
A special note to our new Academy of Excellence students and moms! We are happy to have you join us. Don’t let our webpage and study’s name concern you. We might be called “Ladies Studying Jesus,” but we are open and welcome any male or female student from 6th to 12th grade to join us as we learn more about our Savior! These lessons are open and applicable to all!
Fall 2024 – Beginning of Volume 5
Ladies Studying Jesus begins Volume 5 by looking at two very familiar incidents of Jesus: the feeding of the five thousand and Jesus walking on the water. Christ will use these two events to lead into the Bread of Life Discourse. As He told the woman at the well, “whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst.” He will now tell those listening, “I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger.” If you plan to join us this fall, I invite you to download the materials, Zoom with us live during the week, or listen to lessons as they are uploaded. Follow along with these wonderful teachings about Jesus.
Ministry Opportunities
If you are planning a ladies’ fellowship, retreat, or conference, I would love to talk with you about coming and challenging your friends with the wonders of Jesus! Many formats are available, please contact me!
Grounded Podcast
Volume 1 holds 14 lessons with 30 audios teaching Jesus’ work before His incarnation through His early childhood. An encouraging look at each character of Christmas along with the revealed details of Jesus’ early life will be examined. Teacher’s notes, worksheets, and weekly homework are available.
Volume 2 holds 17 lessons and 31 audios teaching the early days of Jesus’ ministry from the baptism of John through the Judean ministry. We will take a careful look at Jesus’ interviews with Nicodemus and later the Woman at the well. Teacher’s notes, worksheets, and weekly homework are available.
Volume 3 has 23 lessons with 36 audios. We study the early Galilean ministry of Christ, the rise of the opposition from the religious establishment, the choosing of the twelve disciples, and finishes with 7 lessons taken from the Sermon on the Mount. Teacher’s notes, worksheets, and weekly homework are available.
With the twelve disciples chosen and the Sermon on the Mount over, we move into the mid-ministry of Jesus. He spent much of His time in Galilee teaching and healing the masses. We will find outsiders, outcasts, and the lowly receive forgiveness and healing, but the proud and self-righteous miss out on the blessings of God and turn into a hateful, murderous group! Volume 4 has 20 lessons with approximately 30 audios. Each lesson has teacher’s notes, worksheets, and homework.
These three Volumes are not yet on the website. They will consist of the latter half of Jesus’ ministry. We began LadiesStudyingJesus.com in 2019, amid our study, with Volume 8 – The Upper Room. At this time, we are going through Christ’s life a second time and filling the website with new material each week adding another Volume each year. Enjoy and grow with approximately 150 audios and 75 lessons now on Ladies studying Jesus and look forward to more to come!
This Volume holds over 12 lessons and 27 audios starting as the disciples gathered with Jesus in the upper room and ending with Christ’s great prayer found in John 17. I believe there is really no greater time in Jesus’ life that we see His heart and passion revealed as we do in the Upper Room! Teacher’s notes, worksheets, and weekly homework are available.
In Volume 9 we follow Jesus from the Garden of Gethsemane through the trials. There are 10 lessons and a total of 25 audios! This is a wonderful study looking at the suffering of Jesus in both body and soul! Teacher’s notes, worksheets, and weekly homework are available.
Volume 10 is a wonderful examination of the redemptive work of Christ. We will move through the crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and lastly look at His post-ascension ministries! There are 13 lessons and a total of 29 audios! Teacher’s notes, worksheets, and weekly homework are available.
Why Should You Study Jesus
1. The Whole of Scriptures point to Him!
John 1:1-3
2. The Whole of Salvation depend on Him!
John 14:6
3. The Whole of Eternity praises Him!
II Peter 3:18
4. The Whole of Mankind find wisdom in Him!
Matthew 7:12
5. The Whole of His life Reveal the Father to us!
John 1:18
6. The Whole of our Lives are to Reflect Him!
II Corinthians 3:18
7. The Whole of our lives we are commanded by God to Learn of Him!
Matthew 17:5
8. The Whole of our lives we are commanded to Teach of Him!
Matthew 28:18-20
“According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:” II Peter 1:3
“But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.”
II Peter 3:18